2 electives of your choice

You will select 2 electives out of the 3 following courses:


CRM, Data Platforms & Marketing Automation: The aim of customer relationship management (CRM) and customer experience management (CEM) is to build valuable and successful relationships with customers. This course is designed to make a bridge between data and marketing decision-making through the analysis of customer data. 


Data Visualization: Principles of DataViz - Panorama of tools and methods - Tableau: features and exemplar case studies - Importing data in Tableau - Data cleaning - Charting numeric / textual / graphical data in Tableau - Developing a storytelling with Tableau


Machine Learning and Business Cases using Python: Elementary algorithms - Learning theory (how can a computer learn from data) - Linear models - Tree based methods - Regularization and validation - Unsupervised learning and Support vector machines - Social networks and communities - Neural networks and deep learning