early maker pedagogy

cours gbba

Faithful to its pioneering entrepreneurial spirit, emlyon business school's pedagogical approach uses action learning, projects and a variety of real-life situations to complement theoretical knowledge and skills development with more “traditional” courses and workshops.

All our programs benefit from this early maker approach, from the Global BBA to the "Mastères Spécialisés" and our MSc in.

Each year of the Global BBA program places you at the heart of this early maker pedagogy, offering you different frameworks for experimentation:

• Mission projects from the first year onwards involve you in a collaborative process serving the student community and beyond.
• After an introduction to the world of UX design, from the start of the second year you will be immersed in a process of ideation, the starting point for your business creation project, the backbone of this second year.
• Working alongside an entrepreneur or SME manager with an innovative project, you take part in a business challenge in 2nd year.
• In order to open your mind to alternative business models, you'll spend an intensive weekend working with social entrepreneurs, challenging them on their vision and business model.
