Architecture du programme pour l'année académique 2023-2024
Les 4 années du Bachelor of Science
L'enseignement du BSc Data Science for responsible business est totalement dispensé en anglais.
Il est possible de valider ce diplôme par blocs de compétences.
Année 1
Mathematics & Computer Science Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Responsible Business
- Calculus 1 (real analysis, linear algebra)
- Probabilty
- Fundamentals of Computer Programming
- Fundamentals of Computer Algorithmics
- Calculus 2 (multivariate calculus, optimization)
- Statistics
- Introduction to Data Analysis
- Introduction to Management
- Introduction to Economics
- Sustainable Project Management"
Année 2
Data Science | Technologies of AI
Business Practice | Corporate Social Responsibility
- Numerical Methods for Optimization
- Statistical Learning
- Machine Learning for Business
- CSR & AI for Society
- AI Culture
- Big Data
- Deep Learning
- Agile Sofware Engineering
- Web & AI Tools
- Marketing & Managerial Finance
Année 3
Advanced Language Models | Modern Trends in AI
Digital Business | Corporate Law
- AI Responsible Mission 1
- Natural Language Processing
- Modern Trends in AI
- NLP & NLU for Business
- Digital Advances for Business
- Digital Marketing and Personalization for Brand Management
- Deep Learning Projects
- Organizational Behaviour & Strategy
- Responsible Algorithmics
- Corporate Law
Année 4
Research Mission | Tech Seminars
Innovation | Human & Machine Cognition
- AI Responsible Mission 2
- Tech Workshop Series
- Research Mission - Techno Watch
- Managing Innovation
- Machine & Human Cognition
- Licence Thesis"
Les modalités d'évaluation
Les modalités d'évaluation du programme BSc in Data Science for Responsible Business sont les suivantes : études de cas, simulations, présentations, examens, entre autres, mais également un jury de passage.
Taux de diplomation : données non disponibles (première rentrée en septembre 2023)
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