The job of an artificial intelligence consultant involves assisting companies in implementing AI-based solutions. What are the main tasks of an AI consultant? What skills are required, and what training leads to this profession?

Artificial Intelligence Consultant: what role ?

The artificial intelligence consultant is a qualified professional who assists companies in defining and implementing AI-based solutions. This expert in information and communication technologies typically advises business leaders on using AI to enhance their performance and competitiveness. AI consultants are instrumental in helping businesses navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.


AI consultants help businesses build and integrate AI systems that align with their strategic goals. They leverage data and technology to develop solutions that enhance organizational capabilities and deliver tangible business benefits. The consultant must understand the organization's unique needs and apply AI to create transformative solutions that drive efficiency and growth.


This AI specialist analyzes the specific needs of the company and offers suitable AI solutions. They implement these solutions and integrate them into the company's information system. The AI consultant is both a researcher and a computer scientist. They can work within a company, a consulting firm, or as an independent contractor. Consultants are also tasked with ensuring that the AI solutions are aligned with the organization's business goals and strategies.


The role of an artificial intelligence consultant is becoming increasingly important as businesses strive to adopt and implement AI technologies across various sectors. They guide organizations through the complex process of AI integration, helping them to navigate potential risks and maximize the value of their AI investments. AI consultants are essential in bridging the gap between advanced AI capabilities and practical business applications.

What are the main roles of the Artificial Intelligence Consultant?

Here are the tasks assigned to an AI consultant within a company or organization:

  • Design AI solutions: create artificial intelligence solutions tailored to clients' needs, leveraging advanced technology and data analysis capabilities. These solutions are designed to optimize business processes, improve decision-making, and enhance the customer experience.
  • Implement AI projects: work in collaboration with technical and IT teams to deploy AI projects, ensuring they align with the client's business objectives and technical requirements. This involves the integration of AI systems into existing operations, providing a seamless transition and minimizing disruption.
  • Maintenance and follow-up: ensure the follow-up and maintenance of the implemented AI solutions, providing continuous support and refinement as needed. Consultants offer ongoing consulting services to address any issues and ensure the systems remain effective and up-to-date.
  • Problem solving: address complex problems related to AI technologies, applying machine learning algorithms and data models to create innovative solutions. This includes using predictive analytics and neural network models to uncover insights and drive business improvements.
  • Staying informed: keep up with the latest technological advancements in AI and machine learning, incorporating new tools and techniques to enhance consulting services. * **Continuous learning and development are crucial for staying competitive in the fast-paced AI industry.
  • Training and development: Train technical teams and business units that will use AI solutions, building their skills and capabilities to operate these systems effectively. This includes offering workshops and practical experience opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of AI technologies.

What are the skills of the Artificial Intelligence Consultant ?

The AI consultant must have solid knowledge in AI-related technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Their role involves utilizing AI to deliver transformative business solutions that drive growth and innovation.


They must also understand algorithms and data models. Programming skills in languages like Python, R, and Java are essential, along with experience in frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. Data analysis skills are crucial for developing effective AI models and providing valuable insights to clients.


AI consultants must also possess strong technical expertise, enabling them to design and implement complex AI systems. Their deep understanding of AI technologies allows them to create solutions that are both innovative and practical, meeting the specific needs of each client.


In terms of soft skills, the AI consultant must have:

  • Teamwork: The ability to work in a team, collaborating with diverse professionals to deliver comprehensive AI solutions.
  • Communication: Good communication skills to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and clients.
  • Problem-solving: Creativity in solving problems, leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to create practical solutions.
  • Persuasiveness: The ability to persuade clients and stakeholders of the benefits and feasibility of AI projects.
  • Adaptability: The ability to adapt to rapidly changing technologies and client needs, ensuring the AI solutions remain relevant and effective.

How to become an Artificial Intelligence Consultant ?

For students with a high school diploma

The Bachelor of Science in Data Science for Responsible Business at emlyon business school is the best entry point for an AI consultant profession and is accessible after obtaining a high school degree. This bachelor's degree is jointly awarded by emlyon business school and the École Centrale de Lyon.


It lasts four years after high school and is taught in English. The offered disciplines allow students to master data science and AI. This unique hybrid education combines engineering sciences and management, addressing the social and environmental responsibilities of contemporary businesses. The program prepares students to become leaders in the field of AI by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle complex challenges in various sectors.


This degree emphasizes the development of both technical skills and strategic thinking, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of AI and its applications. Students gain practical experience through hands-on projects, allowing them to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

For students with a bachelor's degree

Students holding a bachelor’s degree can pursue their studies with a Master of Science (MSc) at emlyon business school to specialize in artificial intelligence. The program offers a comprehensive understanding of AI and data science, emphasizing the practical application of these technologies in real-world scenarios.


The Master of Science in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy provides a responsible approach to AI and data science through learning methods that combine technical, strategic, and ethical approaches. This program is designed to equip students with the skills needed to design and implement AI strategies that align with organizational goals and ethical considerations.


To specialize in the healthcare field, the Master of Science in Healthcare Innovation & Data Science aims to diversify your skills and gain in-depth knowledge covering health ecosystems, big data processing, AI integration in healthcare, disruption management, while simultaneously developing interpersonal skills and an entrepreneurial mindset.


The curriculum includes courses on machine learning models, speech recognition, and data protection, ensuring students are well-prepared to address the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare domain. Students also learn about artificial general intelligence and its implications for the future of healthcare.

What is the salary and career progression of the Artificial Intelligence Consultant ?

At the beginning of their career, an AI consultant earns around €35,000 gross per year. Experts can earn up to €100,000 gross annually. The salary can vary depending on the sector, field of activity, and geographic area. AI consultants who demonstrate strong capabilities in leveraging AI to drive business value are often highly sought after, leading to lucrative career opportunities.


After a few years of experience, the AI consultant can advance to a position such as CIO (Chief Information Officer) or CISO (Chief Information Security Officer). These roles involve overseeing the strategic implementation of technology and AI within an organization, ensuring the alignment of technological initiatives with business objectives.


AI consultants with significant experience may also pursue roles such as data scientists or machine learning engineers, where they can apply their expertise in developing advanced AI solutions. These positions offer opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects and lead teams in implementing innovative AI strategies.

emlyon business school in brief

emlyon business school celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2022. This unique higher education institution, with its ancient roots, hosts around 9,050 students from 125 different nationalities in initial training. For executive education programs, more than 6,900 participants are spread across the four campuses worldwide (Lyon, Paris, Shanghai, Mumbai). The school relies on a vast network of 200 international academic partners: students thus can study abroad and engage in intercultural exchange and experimentation.


emlyon’s "we are makers" pedagogy makes learning a lifelong project. The institution emphasizes continuous learning and the development of skills that are crucial for success in the modern business landscape. The programs offered by emlyon business school are designed to prepare students for a wide range of careers in artificial intelligence, data science, and other cutting-edge fields.

Advanced opportunities and global network

The emlyon business school's curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of artificial intelligence and its applications across various industries. Students benefit from access to a diverse range of resources, including workshops, seminars, and networking events with industry professionals. This exposure helps students build a robust professional network and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in AI.


The school's global network allows students to connect with experts and peers from around the world, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. This international perspective is invaluable for students seeking to build a career in the global AI industry.

Career development and lifelong learning

emlyon business school is committed to helping students achieve their career goals by providing comprehensive career development services. These services include personalized career coaching, job placement assistance, and access to a vast network of alumni and industry partners. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional growth, emlyon business school ensures that its graduates are well-prepared to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.


The school's career services team works closely with students to identify opportunities that align with their interests and skills. This support is crucial in helping students navigate the competitive job market and secure positions in leading organizations.

Cutting-edge research and innovation

The institution is at the forefront of research and innovation in artificial intelligence and related technologies. emlyon business school collaborates with leading organizations and research centers to develop cutting-edge solutions that address the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. This commitment to innovation is reflected in the school's programs, which are constantly updated to incorporate the latest advancements in AI and data science.


Students have the opportunity to participate in research projects and contribute to the development of new AI