Become an expert in data science and AI for a more responsible future with a bachelor's degree in data science from emlyon and Ecole Centrale

Public ciblé

For high school graduates with a specialty in Mathematics and Science

Joint Bachelor's degree of emlyon business school & École Centrale de Lyon approved by the French State

4 years of study

Langues d'enseignement
Fully taught in English
Lieux d'enseignement
Delivered in Lyon on both schools' campuses

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4 years to understand data science

Become an expert in AI and responsible business

This bachelor's degree in data science offers a unique hybrid training in data science and the technology of AI, combined with a strong focus on responsible business practices. Our data science course is applied and action-oriented, providing you with the best professional practices in AI. You'll gain practical experience through data science classes and concrete business projects, engaging in responsible AI missions within companies, organizations, and research labs. By the end of this bachelor of data science program, you will have developed a real know-how in data science for business and beyond.

Study at two of the most prestigious schools in engineering and business

emlyon business school and École Centrale de Lyon are ranked among the top French and European graduate schools. Through our data science bachelor's degree, you will benefit from faculties renowned for excellence in research, student and career services of both institutions. These schools have strong connections with high-standing companies, organizations, and academic libraries, creating an ideal learning environment for data science and business degrees.

Meet the real needs of recruiters

Master the competencies needed by organizations for short-staffed jobs across various sectors engaging in responsible transition. With our data science bachelor's degree, you will gain access to both emlyon business school and École Centrale de Lyon networks, providing you with quality internships, attractive job offers, and privileged contacts with companies. This BSc data science program ensures that you are well-prepared for the demands of today’s job market, integrating data science and business degrees seamlessly.

Boost your career

  • 45 000 alumni in 130 countries
  • 1600 partner businesses
  • 2nd in France, Global Employability University Ranking (THE 2024)
  • 89% employment rates within 6 months after the program

Contact your program advisor

Get in touch with your program advisor to best prepare your application to this program and ask all your questions.

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Want to find out more about student life, program content or the emlyon business school experience? Connect with our student ambassadors to get a first glimpse of what awaits you.
