My career
Your career support
Helping you better understand your ways of working, preferences, and motivations; assisting you in building and validating your career plan; introducing you to best practices; and providing numerous opportunities to meet professionals from various backgrounds—this is the purpose of the Career Support program. It starts on your very first day and follows you throughout your professional journey. The ultimate goal is not just to find a job, but to find the right one: one that meets your expectations and aligns with market realities.
The Career Support program is built around three pillars: practical workshops, online tools, and recruitment events, all complemented by individual guidance from dedicated career advisors.
Over 200 companies visit the campus for events such as Careers Forums, Thematic Careers Days, Virtual Careers Days, and Corporate Discovery Sessions—a wide array of recruitment opportunities both on campus, in companies, and online.
An alumni community right from the start
With the emlyon business school alumni network, every student becomes a member of the alumni network from their very first day—and for life! An asset for building your network and benefiting from a range of services even before graduation.
You gain access to numerous services and privileges, covering three main areas:
- Networking through a community of 45,000 alumni in 130 countries
- Career support throughout your professional life (workshops, coaching, discussions with experts, access to job offers, visible online resume, etc.)
- Lifelong learning through the School’s continuing education programs. Every three years, you’ll be eligible for a free training session to update your skills and knowledge.