My next steps

Etudiants dans le campus

To access your digital tests, click on the link in the menu on the right-hand side.


Your application has been validated and you now have access to the digital tests. The Admissions team will be informed directly when you have completed them.

Stage 1: the digital tests

- Cognitive tests
You will have to solve a series of logical reasoning tests.

- Mathematics tests
In 30 minutes, you must answer as many questions as possible (for example: primitive or derivative functions, limit of a sequence, extremum of a function, root of a polynomial, probability and number theory, etc.).

Asynchronous video interview
This is a distance interview. You are filmed as you answer the questions that appear on your screen. You have 15 seconds to read each question, and a limited time to answer each question.

NB: The digital tests must be taken ALONE, without the aid of any human, written or computer support. The digital platform includes anti-fraud software, and in accordance with its terms and conditions of use, any fraud will result in the cancellation of the application and prosecution. The candidate will then be banned from applying to any emlyon business school programs for 5 years.


Stage 2: Admissions panel

The admissions jury meets for the first time once it has received the marks for the tests; it analyses the results and decides on the eligibility of each candidate.


Stage 3: individual video interview

Candidates who have met the eligibility requirements will have an individual video interview with a member of the jury from emlyon and Ecole Centrale Lyon.


Stage 4: admission results

- If you applied via Parcoursup : Log on to the Parcoursup website from 30 May 2025 to find out your admission results.
- If you are an international applicant : Your application will soon be examined, and you will receive the decision on the day of the admissions jury. Please refer to the Emlyon competition session calendar, which you can download from your dashboard.


We will come back to you for the admission decision:

You may then be declared :

  • admitted
  • not admitted
  • admitted to the waiting list