The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence & the Health Sector

Innovative Project Management
This course focuses on project management methodology and will provide you with both concepts, tools, and methods, and behavioral skills in order to successfully complete innovative projects. Key challenges for project managers include the ability to manage without influence; to gain the support of stakeholders; and to access resources not directly under their control.


The Healthcare Ecosystem
This course will enable you to develop your own understanding of the transformation of the healthcare ecosystem. It gives an overview of the different actors involved in this environment, of the new entrants (mostly relying on technological innovations). It also addresses the related topics of value creation and value capture within this sector.


Economy and Sociology of Health
The first objective of this course is to drive you to see how the healthcare system offers a decision-making framework based on efficiency. The healthcare system is facing major inequalities. The objective of this course is to understand the causes, nature and consequences, the ways they are culturally understood, and some of the most important attempts to address these inequalities. The different topics addressed during this class are healthcare system and social security, supply and demand of care, regulation and economic assessment of healthcare programs, inequalities toward health, and health prevention and promotion.


Big Data & Artificial Intelligence: an introduction
The course gives a first introduction to concepts related to data APIs, big data, data protection, blockchain, IoT and AI in such a way that it prepares you for the more technical courses that will be delivered further in the program. It opens participants to the business implications of such technologies, so that you will be able, in further courses, to systematically relate technologies and processes that you will discover to business and managerial issues.


Patient-centric Ecosystems
Untill recently, patients were not considered as customers, and healthcare was tackled as something different of an industry. However due to societal and technological transformations, the customer-centric model is progressively integrated in the healthcare sector and expressed as a patient-centric model. Therefore, all the actors in this sector, whatever the role they play, should change their mindset and consider value created for this patient and her/his satisfaction regarding the services that have been delivered and solution provided. This course will give you specific clues to adapt “client-orientation” methodology and tools to this critical “patient- orientation” posture that is more and more required in any activity of the healthcare industry.


Health Information System
This course intends to present a healthcare information system and health data management. Understanding how data is collected, how to guarantee quality of data, and then how to guarantee compliance between different Information Systems in order to enhance the value created for the patient through the healthcare path. The course addresses the following topics: typology of healthcare Information Systems (HIS), HIS and quality assurance, and Electronic Patient Record.


Ecosystems and Platform Business Models

New and frequently disruptive technologies and novel user behaviors lead to the emergence of new economic structures, new organizational forms and new business models in most industries. The Healthcare Industry is also directly impacted. Together these transformations challenge and change the creation, capture, and redistribution of value. The main goals of the course are to trace these changes and discuss strategic responses through focusing on several key issues, including the emergence and design of business ecosystems and the creation of new business models fuelled by open innovation and data, notably bi-base and platform models.