Digital marketing is a rapidly expanding field across the globe. Training in this sector opens doors to international opportunities for a promising career start. If the role of a digital marketing consultant fascinates you, discover everything you need to know about this future-oriented profession here.

Description of the Digital Marketing Consultant role

A digital marketing consultant is an expert in their field. Digital marketing encompasses all marketing activities conducted by companies across all existing digital channels. Therefore, digital marketing is not limited to posting ads on social media. The web in general, as well as mobile applications, for instance, are also part of digital marketing.


A digital marketing consultant thus masters all the necessary disciplines to achieve the company's marketing objectives, attract new clients, retain them, and promote the company’s products and services. This is why it is essential to undergo quality training, such as that provided by emlyon business school.


These consultants bring more than just their expertise in digital media; they bring a comprehensive strategy that is tailored to the specific needs of their clients. The experience and insights of a digital marketing consultant with their deep understanding of digital channels can greatly enhance a business's online presence. By utilizing data-driven approaches, consultants help companies make informed decisions on how to improve their marketing strategies.

Main activities of a Digital Marketing Consultant

The main activities of a digital marketing consultant are diverse and varied, evolving according to the specific needs of clients. Generally, a digital marketing consultant prepares the company’s digital strategy and ensures it is properly followed and implemented. They also regularly audit the company's online presence. Other typical activities of a digital marketing consultant include implementing marketing campaigns, analyzing performance, and optimizing both organic and paid search.


Working with clients, they identify new ways to connect with their target audience. This may involve using social media platforms effectively, creating engaging content, or optimizing websites for search engines. Consultants often work with marketing teams to develop campaigns that address the unique challenges faced by each business.


Other examples of tasks that a digital marketing consultant handles daily include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating websites, advertising campaigns, and content for social networks;
  • Measuring key performance indicators (KPIs);
  • Analyzing marketing data and preparing reports to explain the results obtained.


A consultant will also focus on creating a strong brand identity that resonates with the target market. They will use tools like Google Ads to drive more traffic to websites and ensure that marketing efforts align with business goals. This includes using paid media to reach a wider audience and developing strategies to convert leads into customers.

Required skills for a Digital Marketing Consultant

To become a digital marketing consultant, one of the most important attributes is having a good sense of communication. The consultant constantly communicates with clients to understand their needs and support them in implementing the digital marketing strategy.


Obviously, having a solid foundation in web marketing is also crucial to understanding the workings of digital platforms, social networks, websites, etc. Other essential skills include:

  • Mastery of digital marketing tools and software such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc.;
  • In-depth knowledge of organic search (SEO), paid search (SEA), and email marketing.


In addition to technical skills, a successful consultant must be adept at building relationships and understanding customer behavior. They should be able to provide insights into how digital marketing channels can be optimized to deliver better results. They can help businesses find the right balance between organic and paid efforts, ensuring that the digital marketing strategy is both effective and sustainable.

Studies to become a Digital Marketing Consultant

Want to start your career as a digital marketing consultant? There is no specific path to this profession, but several programs can equip you with the necessary skills.


For those aiming for a generalist education, the Master in Management - Grande Ecole program (MiM program) awards a Master’s degree in 2 to 3 years. Accessible after a bachelor degree, this excellent management program offers progressive and customized specialization.

For students with a bachelor’s degree

The Master in Digital Marketing & Data Analytics is divided into 4 skill blocks over the year: you will learn to manage a digital strategy and its performance indicators, produce and analyze data, develop your programmatic skills to meet a company’s marketing challenges, and finally identify new opportunities and development potentials with ethical and environmental considerations.

For students with a master’s degree

To acquire specific skills, the Specialized Master's in Digital Transformation, Marketing & Strategy - Work-Study Track (only taught in French) is an excellent choice. Upon completion of this 12-month program, you will become an expert in international marketing.


This program equips students with the ability to develop innovative marketing strategies and apply them in real-world scenarios. The hands-on approach helps students understand the intricacies of digital marketing and prepares them to meet the demands of a rapidly changing market.

Salary of a Digital Marketing Consultant

Here is the average salary of a digital marketing consultant based on experience:

  • Junior: between €35,000 and €45,000 gross per year;
  • Experienced: between €45,000 and €65,000 gross per year;
  • Senior: between €65,000 and €90,000 gross per year.


Salaries can vary depending on the location and the size of the company. In major cities like New York, consultants may earn more due to the higher demand for digital marketing expertise. Working with international firms can also provide additional opportunities for growth and higher earnings.

Career progression for a Digital Marketing Consultant

A digital marketing consultant can progress into various roles such as digital marketing manager, digital project manager, digital marketing trainer, and more.


These roles allow professionals to expand their skill sets and take on greater responsibilities. The demand for skilled digital marketing experts continues to grow, offering many career opportunities for those who excel in this field. The experience gained as a consultant can lead to positions in top companies where they can lead digital transformation projects.

The Digital Marketing Consultant in summary

A digital marketing consultant supports companies in developing and implementing their digital strategy through mastery of various tools.


They play a crucial role in ensuring that businesses stay competitive in the digital world. By leveraging the latest technology and insights, consultants help companies achieve their marketing goals and drive growth.

emlyon business school

Founded in 1872 and hosting over 9,050 students from 125 nationalities, emlyon business school is now present worldwide through its four campuses and 200 international partners. The action learning pedagogy of emlyon business school emphasizes the "learning experience journey," preparing students for new business challenges.


With a focus on digital marketing and entrepreneurship, emlyon business school provides students with the skills needed to succeed in today's global market. The curriculum is designed to foster innovation and encourage students to think creatively about how they can impact the business world. Whether pursuing a career as a digital marketing consultant or exploring other paths, emlyon business school offers the support and resources needed to succeed.