Career services track
As a student of the Master in Management - Grande Ecole, you will benefit from a dedicated career track which will include workshops, expert panels, fairs, events, company visits, etc. The Careers Services Department provides all students with continual support in identifying career goals and developing action plans. Program-specific careers services include:
- Workshops: Careers workshops help you prepare for your internship search and future career. Self-assessment tools and individual coaching provide you with the opportunity to prepare your next move.
- Tools: Our wide range of career tools helps you find out more information on partner companies and sector specific resources, including databases with internship and job offers.
- Events: Over 250 companies visit emlyon business school campuses each year and provide students with continuous access to the business community.
Employment key figures
- 86% of graduates find a job before the end of the program
- Net employment rate at 3 months: 94%
- 100% of graduates have found a job in less than 6 months after graduation
- The average salary of the Master in Management - Grande Ecole graduates is €58k with bonuses
- 89% of our graduates recommend emlyon business school
- Rate of further study: not applicable to this program
- Audit/Consulting: 43%
- Finance/Banking/Insurance: 14%
- Industry: 12%
- Technology: 9%
- Media/Arts/Culture: 5%
- Retail: 3%
- Luxury goods: 3%
- Other: 10%
Positions held
- Studies/Consulting: 36%
- Administration: 20%
- Other functions: 15%
- Sales: 13%
- Marketing/Communication: 10%
- Audit: 4%
- Executive: 2%
Job locations
🌍 Graduates of the the Master in Management - Grande Ecole program are recruited in France (73%) and abroad (27%), with employment in nearly 40 countries.
Breakdown by continent
- Europe: 92%
- Asia: 4%
- Africa/Middle East : 2%
- Americas: 1%
Survey carried out in 2024 on the class of 2023.
Partners companies
"Through our partnership with emlyon business school, we’ve set up a series of unique events. It’s an extremely fruitful partnership, and the school’s Career department is highly effective. As a result emlyon business school has become one of Procter & Gamble’s key recruiting targets."
Anne Claire COSTES, VP Marketing COTY, ex-Brand Director Procter & Gamble (Geneva)
emlyon business school has always worked closely with the Business Community in order to provide students with quality internship and job offers, as well as priviledged contact with companies.

Alumni network
As a future graduate, you will hold lifelong membership of emlyon business school alumni network, a network of near to 45,000 alumni covering more than 130 countries.
You will benefit from all services it offers, including the online assessment modules. Its members will help you further develop your career regardless of which stage you are at, by providing you with career development information, exchange business information with you and share their experience for you to build on.
News & events
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