Congratulations on your admission

Congratulations on your admission

Congratulations on your admission to the MSc in Healthcare Innovation and Data Science program!
We're thrilled to have you join our vibrant community of future digital health experts. Your selection reflects a perfect alignment with the ambitions of the HIDS program.

This program equips you with the competencies needed to transform the healthcare sector by using data to improve global healthcare. You will gain a deep understanding of the global health ecosystem, technical aspects of health innovation, digital health management, and advanced skills in data analytics and artificial intelligence. This Master of Science degree will equip you to think creatively and develop entrepreneurial solutions to pressing health data challenges. You will become leaders and pioneers in the healthcare sector, capable of launching startups, developing new technologies, and driving transformative change in healthcare.

Stay tuned for HIDS e-summer book and information about the e-summer school courses!

We look forward to meeting you in person shortly. Don’t hesitate if you have any questions, our team and myself are here for you.


Shaily Malik


What's currently on your makersboard platform?

Makersboard will provide you with valuable information to help you finalize your enrollment at emlyon business school.

Please note that if you are admitted in session 1 you will receive an early bird scholarship. If you do not register within 10 calendar days, this scholarship will be withdrawn.

Once your non-refundable deposit is received by emlyon business school, you will officially be part of the MSc in Healthcare Innovation & Data Science community. At this point in time, you will automatically switch from the web space dedicated to admitted students to the one dedicated to enrolled students.

Makersboard will be your number one guide until you arrive on campus!

We look forward to meeting you very soon on campus.

Admissions team
