Health Care and Insurance

Health Care and Insurance

Securité Sociale

What is the ''Sécurité Sociale''

The “sécurité sociale” is the French healthcare system, also called CPAM (“Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie”) operated through the offical website The healthcare system reimburses covers 15 to 80% of your medical expenses if you have registered.

Health reimbursements in France can be broken down into two parts:

  • The mandatory part: covered by Sécurité Sociale
  • The complimentary part: also called ‘ticket modérateur’, which remains at your expense (or your "mutuelle" if you have signed up for it).

Check out the downloadable document called “The French health Insurance system_ENG” for a better understanding of this !

Once you are registered with the Sécurité Sociale, you will receive your “Carte Vitale”, which you need to have with you during your medical appointments.

The French “Sécurité Sociale” is mandatory for non-European students enrolled in a French school.

If you are staying more than 90 days in France, then you have to register to the CPAM through a dedicated website (available in English and French):

The registration to CPAM has to be done after your administrative registration at emlyon business school is complete, as your enrolment certificate will be required.

If you are staying less than 90 days, you have no obligation to register to the French insurance plan.
However, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to an international insurance back in your country that will cover you during your stay in France.

 European Students/ Swiss nationals must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If not, they have to subscribe to the “Sécurité Sociale”. Your card must cover you for at least the whole academic year.


Complementary Health Insurance (Mutuelle)

Our insurance partner HEYME can help you with your registration to the Sécurité Sociale. You will find all the information about them in the dedicated section.
A “mutuelle” in France is an additional health insurance you can subscribe to as a complement to your healthcare expenses reimbursed by the French Social Security. This service is not free and requires annual subscriptions. It covers all of part of the medical expenses that remain for you to pay (known as the "ticket modérateur" in French) once the French Social Security system has reimbursed its share. It includes doctors and dentists fees, optical expenses, fee surcharges, hospital charges and more.

Heyme is emlyon’s partners offering a 10% discount with the following code: EMLYON-10. They offer different types of coverage, from level 1 to level 4.
Click here to register.

The World Pass Schengen Insurance for short stays (short-stay students)
This offer is mainly meant for exchange international students on a short exchange of one term, to get your medical expenses covered while you are in France.
Heyme is one of emlyon’s partners offering as such, a 10% discount with the following code: EMLYON-10.
Click here to register.

Third Party Liability Insurance (RCVP)

This mandatory insurance covers you when your responsibility is involved in the event of damage or accidents that you may cause to third parties (people or property) in your school/private life.  
That guaranty can be included in some insurance contracts:

  • Your housing insurance or your parents'
  • Your bank
  • Your car insurance

Make sure your contract contains:

  • Name of people covered
  • Possible deductibles
  • Limits of guaranties expected (exclusions, maximum amount covered...)  
    If you do not have a personal insurance, note that you can subscribe to emlyon’s partner Mutuelle St Christophe insurance company for 10€ through the IAEL platform when you do your administrative integration.