Program Content for the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy

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The Master of Science in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy offered by emlyon business school is accessible after a Bachelor (valid diplomas include bac +4 or bac +3).

This program enables foreign or French students to acquire a high-level, specialized education aimed at the main functions of data science & artificial intelligence in companies whose scope is resolutely oriented towards international markets.
This program in data science and artificial intelligence requires a professional mission at the end of the course for a minimal duration of 4 months (internship, VIE, fixed-term contract or permanent contract).

The aim of this program is to fill in the gap between business and engineer higher education in AI, by providing leaders with an action-oriented approach to master fundamental technological practices, together with a concrete understanding of human and business impacts. The program combines experiential and academic activities to learn how to think, to design and to deploy AI applications inline with a responsible data governance, business strategy and transparent practices.

In response to the extensive recruitment needs of the continuously growing AI-driven strategies and practices, this program gives you the opportunity to acquire key competencies by understanding, experiencing and doing AI.

Discover the program content for the academic year 2023-2024:

 Program of the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy

First period (September to April) in Paris


You will first follow a core syllabus which will allow you to acquire the fundamentals of management, gain the necessary skill set of international business management and apply it to the industry.
Example of courses:

  • Fundamentals of Economics
  • Fundamentals of Finance
  • Fundamentals of Accounting
  • Fundamentals of Marketing
  • Corporate Social Responsibility


After the enrolment and before the official start of classes, you will have access to many of the digital resources available to emlyon business school students during the summer:

  • emlyon business school apps and platforms (Learning Hub, Career Center, etc.)
  • e-learning management fundamentals courses available online
    This will help you to get to the grips with the various tools and ensure that your integration is a success, as you will have a busy schedule once the program begins in September.


Data Science and AI Booster

You will start with a one-month long immersion into computer programing best practices, and code from scratch in-depth data cleaning, data analysis, and machine learning tasks on a real large data set. You’ll discover along the way the trick of the trade, understand how to ask the relevant business and technical questions. Examples of booster courses:

  • Python data science practice (fundamentals of computers, object oriented programing with python, test-driven development)
  • Data cleaning & analysis from scratch in python
  • Machine learning from scratch in python

Transforming Businesss

You will understand how to transform business and strategy by integrating digital technology to create an added value. Example of courses:

  • Digital transformation
  • Decision Aid techniques
  • Communication & Brand content
  • Digital Marketing

Machine Learning and Data Science Fundamentals

You will learn the foundations of data, learn and practice machine learning, and gain an overview of AI and its human, social and business impacts.
You will discover the fundamentals of data structures, practice with databases and database management systems (SQL and noSQL), go over business analytics, and dive into machine learning with a focus on the practice with advanced models (ensemble, boosting, kernels) on real data to solve concrete problems. In parallel you will learn the history of AI and understand its human and social impacts, and start understanding its consequences on organizations and businesses
Example of courses:

  • Data fundamentals, SQL & noSQL
  • Business intelligence & data analysis
  • Machine learning principles an elementary models
  • Advanced machine learning models

AI and Human perspectives

You will get a broad view of the history of AI with different paradigms and tools. You will develop reflexive skills on the challenges of adopting AI in a responsible way. The course addresses ethical issues that a company may face while deploying a technology.
You will also be introduced to principles and fundamental tools of system dynamics for visualizing an organizational or societal problem within its broader environment in terms of the structures and policies that create dynamics and regulate performance.
Example of courses:

  • History of AI
  • Individual and social impacts of AI
  • Systems thinking and sustainability

Advanced Data Science

Examples of courses:

  • Cloud computing
  • Big data analysis
  • Data visualization

Deep Neural Networks

You will dive into the heart of modern AI with deep neural networks and most advanced deep learning architectures for computer vision and natural language understanding, cloud computing and data visualization, while digging into business applications of AI.
Examples of courses:

  • Deep learning & computer vision
  • Language models
  • Neural nets for structured data

AI Business Applications

You will get the fundamentals to lead AI and Data projects. You will also get an overview of recent applications of AI in business.
Examples of courses:

  • Tech project management
  • Smart supply chain
  • Strategy

AI Responsibility

Examples of courses:

  • Applied CSR and Sustainability Frameworks
  • AI & Ethics


Series of featured speakers talks

A serie of talks are proposed to provide you an opportunity to meet with professionals and academia to complement your knowledge with highly insightful discussions about next-generation technologies and strategies from the world of Artificial Intelligence and Data


You will lead a 3-months long data science project in partnership with a company or organization, to put into practice your technical skills, business understanding and strategy, and knowledge of impacts of AI solutions to deliver a comprehensive and responsible solution.

Second period (July to December) Anywhere in the world


The Professional Thesis is an analytical work on a topic related to the industry and to the professional experience gained during your internship. This is a great opportunity for you to research a subject which is not only of particular interest, but which has the potential to contribute powerfully to your personal and professional development.


The mission can be an internship, a VIE (international volunteering mission), a fixed-term contract or a permanent contract. This is a great opportunity to put your academic knowledge to the test, and acquire tangible experience within the industry. The school will give you all the support and tools you need to find the right job for you.

Welcome to emlyon's MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Imène BRIGUI - Co-director of the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Imène BRIGUI is the director of the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy. She holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Paris Dauphine University. Her research areas focus on Artificial Intelligence and in particular multiagent systems and Knowledge engineering. During more than 15 years’ experience in research and teaching, She has been involved in several research projects and pedagogical responsibilities. She is also engaged in multiple AI and Data communities in France and abroad. She believes in making AI and Data science more accessible to empower and support societies and individuals.

Talents that we will train in the MSc in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Strategy will benefit from a broad vision of AI and become the AI strategists all companies need to think, design, build and implement responsible and highly impactuful systems. To get the most of AI and Data science, it is crucial to integrate natively the ethical and business dimensions. Technology is key but definitely not enough!
Imène BRIGUI, program director.


Assessment methods may include case studies, presentations, mock exercises, tests, etc.
Graduation rate: data not yet available (first intake: September 2022)