
Photo extérieur du campus

How to find student lodging - tips
It is not easy to find accommodation, especially in large French cities, so make sure to start your search as soon as possible.

  • Don't wait until you are in France to start looking for housing
  • Submit your request before you leave,
  • Send in several requests for student lodging to increase your chances of finding a flat or a room quickly.
  • Try to find student rental accommodation that is furnished, especially if you are in France for a short period.
    Be careful and make sure the company offering the lodging is reliable. Never send money without first signing a lease and speaking directly with the company.

Many private student residences are open to foreign students.
You can also choose to rent your own room or flat from an individual or a real estate agency. You can search for indi-vidual or shared accommodation. Sharing housing can be a good way to reduce rental costs

Our partner Studapart Network requires your emlyon business school email address to log in to the housing platform, or your personal email address with the activation code HOUSINGEMLYON. Students without a French guarantor can use the Studapart guarantor services (for an additional fee).

You can also choose to apply for a housing in one of Cardinal Campus residences (non emlyon partners) which are closed to the Ecully campus or closed to Gare de Vaise metro station in Lyon.
2 residences near Ecully campus: Le Drakkar and Le Gallion. More info here and by email at lyonecully@cardinalcampus.fr.
3 residences near the metro station Gare de Vaise in Lyon: Club 55, Madison Park and Studio 9. More info here and by email at lyonvaise@cardinalcampus.fr.

CROUS residences
The CROUS is a government service that provides food, housing, and subsidies for students in France.
Be aware though that French students are given priority in CROUS residences that is the reason why we do recommend that you focus on other options.

Student housing with a host family
Staying in a homestay with a host family is a great way to practice your French, discover the local culture, and reduce your housing costs. In most cases, this would be a private room in a house or flat.
Our partner: Nativing is a service dedicated to international students, providing a French native speaker as your “language coach” during your temporary housing period. Fee based service

Other useful websites to find accommodation (non emlyon business school partners)

emlyon business school confronte les étudiants dès la première année du Global BBA à Paris et Saint-Étienne à réaliser une étude complète pour le compte d’un vrai client.

How to find a guarantor

A guarantor is a person who acts as a surety for you, and guarantees to pay your rent if you are unable to do so. In France, a guarantor is almost always required if you want to rent an apartment, whether you are French or not. However, your guarantor has to be French.>br>
If you don't have a guarantor, other options are available:


Garantme: Are you about to move in Ecully, Lyon or Paris Campus? Garantme is pleased to help you to find your accommodation by being your guarantor. Good news! With the housing partners of Garantme, 1 out of 2 certified students find their future housing within 7 days thanks to apartment searching platform - Garantme Search. This platform is 100 % free, 0 hidden second-hand fees. Click here to apply right now! Benefit from a special discount by using the promo code: EMLYON


SmartGarant (in French only): Founded by two former emlyon students, they also offer a service of rent guarantee for students who have difficulties dealing with owners' criteria. Boost your housing file with them, reassure your future owner, increase your chances of getting housing, get your free certificate in less than 24H and get your rents covered for the duration of the lease! Benefit from a special discount by using the promo code: EMLYON. Smartgarant has also opened a new service: SmartAlerte. This tool allows you to automatize your housing research by scanning more than 2millions of housing offers on different platforms such as leboncoin, pap, bienici, àvendreàlouer... this tool is free and if you want to benefit from it, click here.


Visale (in French only): This rent guarantee service is offered by the state and based on specific criteria (a valid visa or residence permit for example). Here is a tutorial.

You have found your student lodging?

Your application was accepted. Before picking up the keys and doing entry inspection of the lodging, you will have to sign the lease, or contract, for your student lodging. Payment of a deposit is often required at the time of signing. Before moving in, you must have home insurance called “assurance habitation”. You can do this on line. If you are responsible for paying the gas or electricity, you will have to contact a provider for service.


Housing Benefits (CAF)

Once you have found housing, you may be eligible to housing subsidies through the CAF. The CAF is a French administration that provides subsidies to low-income individuals and families. You can access CAF subsidies even as an international student. Check your eligibility through the online calculator.

Before you start your application, please prepare:

  • A valid email address
  • Your rental contract
  • The amount of your income for the last 2 years
  • An IBAN (French account)
  • The CAF “allocataire” number of your parents if necessary
  • Landlord contact details (owner, agency), rent amount, “SIRET” number if the landlord is a company . Do your application online if you are eligible.
    A step by by step tutorial is available on your right.