Passionate about the business world, its challenges, and its constant changes, you enjoy seeing a project through from start to finish and witnessing the tangible results of your efforts? If you have a results-driven mindset, the role of product manager might interest you. Here is a concise overview detailing the functions of a product manager and the studies to consider to access this position.

Description of the Product Manager Role

The Product Manager centralizes and coordinates the needs between all stakeholders for the development of a product or service, from its conception to its updates post-launch. They are responsible for ensuring the viability and profitability of the product under their purview.


Thus, they decide on the roadmap and features of their product or service, and they provide instructions to operational teams to enforce their vision.

Il décide donc de la roadmap et des fonctionnalités de son produit ou service, et il donne des instructions aux équipes opérationnelles pour faire respecter sa vision.

Main Activities of a Product Manager

As part of the marketing and sales department, the Product Manager's main tasks include:

  • Implementing methods to implement their strategic vision;
  • Deploying their strategy in agreement with superiors and in coordination with their teams;
  • Managing teams and service providers;
  • Supervising market launch and marketing plans;
  • Monitoring the performance of their product, analyzing customer feedback, and suggesting improvements or updates.

Required Skills of a Product Manager

The main skills of a Product Manager include:

  • A good knowledge of financial concepts, skills in project management, and proficiency in management tools;
  • The ability to anticipate the consumer’s needs through digital monitoring and innovation;
  • Interpersonal skills to coordinate with the marketing team, developers, manufacturers, and any other position involved in the production chain;
  • The ability to read data and monitor KPIs.

Studies to Become a Product Manager

To train for the role of Product Manager, it is preferable to follow a program offered by a business school. If you aspire to join a multinational or a prestigious company abroad, it is advisable to choose a renowned institution, such as emlyon business school, for its international recognition.


The MSc in International Marketing & Business Development, accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, is taught in English in Lyon, with an international period and a seminar abroad. Accessible to students holding a Bachelor's degree (Bac +4 or Bac +3), this program trains you to become a key player in international business development.


For post-secondary students, the Global BBA is an excellent choice. This four-year program in international management is based on project-based learning, with numerous academic and professional immersions abroad, and specialization in the fourth year. With the Global BBA, you will master the management of impactful projects in an international context across various fields, from startups to multinationals.

Salary of a Product Manager

On average, the salary of a Product Manager evolves as follows:

  • Junior: 52,000 euros per year;
  • Experienced: 65,000 euros per year;
  • Senior: 71,000 euros per year.


They may also receive significant bonuses based on their performance.

Career Progression of a Product Manager

With experience, a Product Manager can become a Lead Product Manager by specializing in an area they are particularly passionate about.

Summary of the Product Manager position

In summary, the Product Manager is the central pivot of the commercialization of a product or service. By anticipating trends in line with the company's brand image, they become a key contributor to its success.


Product Managers are hired in all sectors, whether it be pharmaceuticals, food, or IT for example.

Focus on emlyon business school

Consistently ranked in the top 1% of business schools with triple international accreditation EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB, emlyon business school has created an effective network for its students and alumni. With 2,200 companies recruiting its students worldwide, emlyon is second in France in the global employability rankings established by Times Higher Education.