Welcome to makersboard

emlyon business school’s admission team would like to thank you for your interest in the program and welcomes you to makersboard, a website exclusively dedicated to applicants such as yourself!

Makersboard will respond to your needs throughout the selection and enrollment process at emlyon business school. According to your advancement within the admission process, you will automatically switch from the website dedicated to applicants to the one dedicated to admitted students and finally to the one dedicated to enrolled students.

Each time you switch status, new information will be available to you:

  • After receiving a notification of admission by the admission board, you will access the admitted web space where you will find valuable information to help you finalize your enrollment
  • Once your non-refundable deposit is received by emlyon business school, you will officially be part of the program. At this point in time, your enrolled web space will provide you with information on your first few days in the program as well as your future life in the program and give you hints & tips on how to prepare your arrival at emlyon business school.

What's currently on your makersboard platform?
Get information on the next steps to take in order to finalize your application as well as on the financial aid options available to you. Makersboard also provides you with a recap of the program's key points, current student and graduate testimonials, and info on your future alumni network!

This platform will be your number one guide until your arrival!

emlyon business school is working every day to adapt its courses, programs and innovative learning styles to the current global situation that we are living in. The distance learning plan which was set up rapidly and efficiently during the lockdown period was implemented with great success and was well received by students overall.

While we hope that for the 2022-2023 academic year students will be able to follow classes and enjoy campus life as normally as possible, emlyon business school is prepared to ensure the best academic and student experience to our students while maintaining their safety by following government regulations in place.

We wish you good luck and look forward to meeting you very soon.

emlyon business school team
