Financing your MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations

Tuition Fees


The tuition and fee charges are in effect for the 2025-2026 academic year and are subject to change for future years.

✔️ All indicated fees include:

  • Tuition fees
  • Enrollment and administrative fees
  • Travel and lodging expenses relative to the International Seminar when relevant
  • Career Center services during your program and for 3 years after graduation
  • Several hours of individual career coaching during your program
  • Lifelong membership of emlyon business school alumni network

❌ Tuition fees do not include:

  • Additional fees not payable to the institution, such as CVEC, student social security, sports club enrollment fees, the purchase of personal computer hardware or software, or the purchase of books other than course materials
  • Optional courses or certifications
  • Accommodation and travel expenses related to the program or work placement
  • Expenses related to the period(s) abroad which are communicated during the academic year by the Head of the Program

How to finance your program?

emlyon scholarships


As a socially responsible organisation, emlyon business school helps students to finance their MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations degree by offering scholarships up to 50% to eligible students.
To find out more about the specifics of our scholarship policy and how to benefit from it, we invite you to contact your program advisor.
To download the Scholarship Policy information, create or log onto your emlyon business school account.


Loans and other bursaries

emlyon business school and its partners are committed to investing in tomorrow’s entrepreneurial leaders by helping qualified students to further their education:

  • Campus France: discover some scholarship options available depending on your country of residence and your eligibility by clicking here.

  • Banking Partners: You may obtain a bank loan through emlyon business school financial partners only if you have a fiscal warrantor in France. If not, we advise you to obtain a loan in your country of origin before your arrival.

Please note: Master of Science programs at emlyon business school, including the MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations,  aren’t eligible for neither the CROUS scholarships nor the following financing schemes: FAFSA, FONGECIF, DIF, CPF or other funding from Pôle Emploi. For further information regarding potential state scholarships, we recommend you to contact your region or your department, as some of them have specific scholarships available for students going to another department in France to study.

emlyon business school is committed to investing in tomorrow’s entrepreneurial leaders by helping qualified students to further their education. Reductions in tuition fees can be offered through needs-based scholarships and may, in certain cases, be granted in addition to guaranteed scholarships.