Program Content for the MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations

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The Master of Science (MSc) in Leading Sustainable Transformations offered by emlyon business school is accessible after a Bachelor minimum. This program enables foreign or French students to acquire a high-level, specialized education aimed at the main functions of change management in companies whose scope is resolutely oriented towards sustainability and transformations at relevant scales.


This program requires a professional mission at the end of the course for a minimal duration of 4 months (internship, VIE, fixed-term contract or permanent contrat).

Pedagogical approach and student experience

The MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations aims not only to equip you with the key competencies and skills to lead sustainable change in organizations, but also to provide you with an unforgettable experience. This program is taught by world-class faculty. They will provide you with:

  • Leading-edge research to go beyond the limits of classic teaching
  • Innovative pedagogies including interactions, on-site visits and hands-on experience

The course is structured around a central theme which changes each year. In 2024-2025, the theme is "Leading Sustainable Transformations in Travel". On regular occasions you will connect this theme with the teachings - strategy, finance, marketing, etc. You will then work directly on this theme during the 3rd term in London (see below: Red Thread project).

Throughout the year, you will have opportunities to network and discover new ways to develop sustainability and make our world a better place - student initiatives are welcome!


Discover the program content for the 2024-2025 academic year:

Structure programme MSc LST

Academic content

Before September Intake

Before the official start of classes, you take a series of brief online courses on sustainability and change: Transformations in the environment (e.g., climate change), in technology, and the society, through emlyon business school digital resources. You will first follow a core syllabus that will enable you to acquire the fundamentals of leadership and to understand transformations.

From September to December - in Paris

You will learn how to assess transformations in the business environment across all functions. Courses will be organized in the form of seminars, practical exercises and coaching.

Sustainability & Business Fundamentals - Evaluating Sustainability and change

  • Sustainability and governance and strategy
  • Sustainability in marketing
  • Sustainability in business operations
  • Sustainability, leadership and HR practices
  • Technology (including Artificial intelligence) and sustainability
  • Sustainability and finance – “green finance”
  • Career evaluation & strategy
  • Quantifying carbon emissions: you will learn how to conduct a carbon footprint to integrate sustainable strategies into your organization's activities and anticipate regulatory changes and climate risks. Learning the carbon footprinting methodology will also enable you to meet customer and investor expectations, reduce costs, and improve your organization's competitiveness.

You will learn to use the Python and R programming languages to effectively evaluate organizational change at any scale and propose sustainable solutions.

Transversal and soft skills for change

  • Research methods to diagnose sustainability readiness
  • Leadership development
  • Storytelling & Public speaking: with the help of Sélène ASSAF, an actress from the Cours Florent, you will learn how to speak in public, defend your ideas and influence your organization in order to carry out effective change management projects in the long term.
  • Presentation skills - Data visualization

From January to March - in Paris

You will study with innovative methods and practical experiences to develop sustainable solutions and propose change initiatives in major business areas, at relevant scales, including:

  • Strategizing for sustainability – Sustainable futures
  • Leveraging technology and Artificial intelligence for sustainability
  • Designing sustainable marketing
  • Managing cultural change for sustainability through leadership
  • Sustainability and the consulting industry

Transversal techniques and soft skills for change

  • Creativity for sustainability
  • Methods for changing behaviors
  • Negotiation techniques for sustainability
  • Agile project management
  • Self- and leadership development for sustainability

This International Seminar in Amsterdam is a unique learning expedition to better understand the dynamics involved in initiating and driving change in organizations. During this one-week learning expedition in Europe, you will visit companies leading the way in building sustainability and learn from their top managers on how they implement change. It is also a way to develop your international network.

From April to July - The London Interdisciplinary School

You will study sustainability as a systemic, multidimensional and interdisciplinary concept. You will take key courses at The London Interdisciplinary School and learn how to manage interdisciplinary skills to deliver successful projects and increase your organization's competitiveness.
Course examples:

  • Integrating sustainability in culture and behaviors
  • Analyzing sustainability as the interdependence of systems and resources
  • Developing ethics for sustainable change

Structuring the Red Thread project
Crucially, in Term 3 you will be responsible for developing a project in small teams and as a class: Mentors will guide your work throughout the semester as you research, formulate proposals, and synthesize your findings. You will produce a professional publication on the year's theme: Leading Sustainable Change in Travel. The result will be a website that will serve as your portfolio for all to see - starting with your next employer.
You will learn how to master some of the leading project management platforms used in business: Trello, Slack, Notion, etc.

Red Thread project

Throughout the year, students will study a real-world case study and make connections between the economic, societal, environmental, digital, and organizational transformations of a particular sector (e.g., transformations in the travel industry). Each year will be dedicated to a specific theme to reflect the current socio-economic world. Students will take on the role of consultants and will be expected to produce and disseminate the content of their research in an innovative format: podcast, book, video, etc.

From July to December - Anywhere in the world

Professional mission
The 4 to 6-month internship or professional experience is a great opportunity to put your academic knowledge to the test and acquire tangible experience within the industry.

Professional Thesis
The Professional Thesis is an analytical work on a topic related to the industry and to the professional experience gained during your internship. This is a great opportunity for you to research a subject which is not only of particular interest, but which has the potential to contribute powerfully to your personal and professional development.

Vincent Giolito - Director of the MSc in Leading Responsible Transformations

Word of welcome

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations at emlyon business school. We are pleased to introduce this program to you as it conveys the promise not only of a very fulfilling journey for the next 18 months, but also for several years of professional career. We have also designed it with the intention of making it a rewarding experience for your own personal development. This program is unique in that it blends leading-edge, ready-to-use knowledge and practice with an in-depth perspective on your personal growth and leadership capabilities. It will equip you to lead positive, sustainable transformations in organizations – and thus to make the world a better, more sustainable place.

Vincent Giolito - Program Director

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Support from leading companies

"We support this program as we are convinced it will contribute to educate a new generation of leaders, able to conduct the transformations needed toward a more sustainable and socially responsible economy... Such profiles are crucial to our business - this is the reason why we support this program."

Schneider Electric Recruiting Department


Assessment methods may include case studies, presentations, mock exercises, tests, etc.
Graduation rate: data not available (first intake: September 2024)

The MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations on Campus France Live