BSc Data Science for Responsible Business : Program Tracks
AI Responsible Missions
Years 3 and 4 are mainly project oriented around AI Responsible Missions with 3 tracks structured as follows:
- 4 months project work (Spring term, Year 3)
- 3 months internship (Summer term, Year 3)
- 4 months project work (Fall term, Year 4)
Data Scientist Track
Students work in partnership with a company on a full-scale data science project during a year, join the company during their Summer internship, and deliver their solution to the company.
Research Track
Students work in partnership with a research lab on a research project tutored by a researcher. They join the lab during their Summer internship. Partner research labs include the "Institut Camille Jordan" (mathematics) and "Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'Information" (computer science) from the University of Lyon.
Entrepreneurship Track
Students are trained and supported by the incubators of emlyon business school and École Centrale de Lyon to start their own businesses. They work full time developping their company during their Summer intership.
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