Financing your Bachelor of Science Data Science for Responsible Business
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees: €13,500 per year
Student services fees: €450 per year
Total tuition fees: €13,950 per year
This tuition and fee charges are in effect for the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change for future years. All indicated fees include tuition, student services fees, enrolment fees, academic expenses, and lifelong membership of emlyon business school alumni network.
How to finance your program?
emlyon and École Centrale de Lyon scholarships
As socially responsible organizations, emlyon business school and École Centrale de Lyon help students to finance their BSc in Data Science for responsible busines by offering up scholarships to qualifying students. These scholarships are limited in number, so we advise you to contact your program advisor as soon as possible to discuss your eligibility.
To download the Scholarship Policy information, create or long onto your emlyon business school account.
Before your arrival
Tuition fees discounts for early bird applicants
emlyon waives a discount of the tuition fees for the admitted international students applying within the first admission session.
State Scholarships
Some countries offer specific scholarships to their nationals. We advise you to contact your dedicated governmental entities or organizations or to visit the Campus France Bourse catalogue website.
Other grants and aids
- Prodigy Finance loan: non-French applicants for the BSc Data Science for Responsible Business are now eligible to apply for a student loan from Prodigy Finance.
- Find more information about financial aid as well as other useful information for international students in France here.
Banking Partners: You may obtain a bank loan through emlyon business school financial partners only if you have a fiscal warrantor in France. If not, we advise you to obtain a loan in your country of origin before your arrival.
After your arrival
Mobility Scholarship from the Rhône-Alpes Region - EXPLO'RA SUP scholarships
These scholarships may help you to finance your internships abroad (minimum of 4 weeks) or your exchange programs abroad (minimum of 8 weeks) with emlyon business school partners Universities.
Please note: the BSc Data Science for Responsible Business is not eligible for neither the CROUS scholarships nor the following financing schemes: FAFSA, FONGECIF, DIF, CPF or other funding from Pôle Emploi. For further information regarding potential state scholarships, we recommend you to contact your region or your department as some of them have specific scholarships available for students going to another department in France to study.
Get to know more
To learn more about the financing, create your account and access your personal space