
emlyon business school

A unique and deeply rooted business school

The School hosts 8,900 students representing 121 nationalities in undergraduate and postgraduate programs, along with nearly 6,900 participants in executive education programs. The School counts six campuses around the world: Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Paris, Shanghai, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai. It draws on a network of 190 international academic partners and leads a community of 38,600 alumni in 130 different countries.

The teaching model: early makers since 1872

emlyon's distinctive academic signature early makers molds learning into a lifelong endeavor to have an impact on the world and offers a real alternative in its environment. It sees learning as not only a transfer of academic knowledge but also a "course of learning experiences" that equips students to forge a constant link between thought and action: "doing to learn, learning to do".

Through these collective and individual learning experiences, emlyon has set out to train responsible managers capable of taking up the challenges of today and tomorrow. This general-interest calling lies at the heart of the school's identity and is written into its articles of association since July 2021 when it transitioned to the status of a benefit corporation.


Rankings and accreditations

emlyon business school was founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is a private higher-education establishment recognized by the French State. It is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. emlyon is among the 1% of global business schools to be accredited by the three international accreditation systems: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. As such, it merits its status as a global-ranking school of business and management.

The Faculty

emlyon business school's faculty comprises highly-qualified professors and researchers working in our research centers. They help face social and economic challenges through papers published in the most prestigious international academic journals and in wide publications. Their expertise covers a very broad spectrum, ranging from artificial intelligence to the social sciences and entrepreneurship.
Faculty members are united by a common desire to generate the theoretical and practical answers to the major issues of the 21st century. This mindset is the keystone of the academic vision promoted by the school.

emlyon's incubator: Get your project off the ground!

The emlyon business school incubator guides and supports projects for high growth-potential start-ups in the ideation and launch phases.
The incubator uses tried-and-tested methods to drive a pragmatic, concrete process of guidance and support. Key to this process is the desire to achieve operational results and guarantee the longevity of the start-up's business.
The aim is to lay down solid foundations and identify the best routes to growth while avoiding the many pitfalls of starting a business.
Find out more about the emlyon incubator


Gerland: A campus in the heart of the city by 2024

In the run-up to its 150th anniversary, emlyon business school was keen to craft a place of education in keeping with its history and prestige, addressing the current upheavals in technology and society, and continuously adapting to the uncertain changes that will be the hallmark of the next few decades.