Program experience for the International MBA Part Time

grade master

The 2-year study International MBA Part Time has been designed to provide you with all the tools you need to reach your career goals.

The degree delivered by International MBA program is a Master in Business Administration

The "International MBA" program enables the validation of the "DipViGrM - Diploma in Advanced Management of International Business" professional certification, level 7, awarded by emlyon business school and registered with the RNCP under number 38348, on 09/01/2023

International MBA Part time structure and content

Maquette cours International MBA Part Time pour brochure - Avril 2024.jpg

A 2-year blended program

Core Courses

With its blended format, the International MBA Part Time gives you the opportunity to keep your full time work position while studying. Indeed, you will have around 8 face-to-face residences on our french campuses (Lyon & Paris) and the rest will be online.

During these 2 years you will have a 360 degree vision of the company. These courses will cover the fundamental topics that you will need to master in order to be a successful manager or entrepreneur in any sector around the world:

  • Strategy
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Ressources
  • CSR (Corporate Social Responsability)

Elective specializations

We also offer a range of electives that you can combine to meet your professional goals. Either on-campus or online, depending on your selected courses, you can choose your electives from our list, corresonding to the skills and knowledges you want to improve! You will have 10 days, during your 2-year study, dedicated to the elective of your choice.

Entrepreneurial Consulting Project

Develop leadership skills and competencies through action. To move to new industry sector or be promoted to a different role within a sector, MBAs need a tangible way to acquire new competencies that complement their existing skill set. That's why we offer the opportunity to complete an Entrepreneurial Consulting Project (ECP) within a real business setting. Working on this 6-month project allows you to immediately put academic concepts and knowledge into practice, transforming these into demonstrable skills. You can choose whether to take on a consulting project with one of our many business partners, or to continue with your new venture idea and make this a reality.

Learning trip

emlyon business school offers the opportunity for participants to discover the management styles of other European countries and explore different business ecosystems and country cultures. Previous Learning Trips have been to Brussels, Istanbul, Milano or Helsinki. In 2021, we selected to go to Berlin. Each destination has its own unique ways of doing business and all of our trips are carefully customized to maximize your overall experience.

Assessment methods

The program’s evaluation methods may take the form of case studies, simulations, presentations, examinations, etc. The personnel involved in the program are qualified in accordance with the regulations. This diploma can be validated by blocks of competencies and the program is eligible to VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience), find all the information on This content is only available in French at this time.

Key figures

  • Satisfaction rate : N/A
  • Success rate : N/A
  • Net Promoter Score : N/A