Next steps


You are now preparing for your arrival in France and there are several things you need to check before leaving.

Make a Check list

  • Make sure to apply for a visa if necessary (this needs to be done several months in advance)
  • Make sure to bring your passport (or ID card for EU citizens)
  • Make a copy of your passport, French visa and all other important documents and save them as a PDF document for safety
  • Make sure that your current passport is valid for at least six months after your return date
  • Bring an original version of your birth certificate and a certified translation in French (with filiation)
  • Book a temporary accommodation for your first few nights in Lyon or Paris (depending on your campus location)
  • Contact your bank to ensure that you can withdraw money in France
  • Make sure to have some cash available for your arrival (avoid large amounts for safety)
  • Research in advance how to easily access the campus
  • Check that your phone works for the first few days once you are in France
  • Keep emergency contact information with you
  • Bring important medical records (if you have an ongoing medical condition for example) and a copy of your vaccination records
  • Have a valid European Health Insurance Card (for European students only)
  • Bring the original of your English tests (if any)
  • Bring the original of your diploma and transcripts with you (not a copy)
  • Bring a plug adaptor if necessary. Verify the power voltage of your laptop and mobile as it can differ from the one in France and Europe, and damage them.

For students who will study in Paris (according to the program you enrolled in), you can access your dedicated pre-arrival checklist to Paris.
For students who will study in St-Etienne (according to the program you enrolled in), you can access your dedicated pre-arrival checklist to St-Etienne.
For students who will study in Lyon-Ecully (according to the program you enrolled in), you can access your dedicated pre-arrival checklist to Lyon.

Please note that the French administration (Préfecture, CAF housing benefits...) does not accept birth certificates translated into French in a foreign country (even by the Alliance Française – with China as an exception). You must have your birth certificate translated into French by sworn translators in France. Should your birth certificate be written in a rare language (for example: Hindi), you must have your birth certificate translated into English in your country of origin and then into French. The list of sworn translators you may contact will be provided soon in your gateway.

French visa procedure

Please check if you need to go through the pre-consular procedure through the Etudes en France portal.
This procedure is mandatory for citizens of the following countries and regions:
Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, and Vietnam.

If you have to go through the Etudes en France procedure:

  • Your admission process for emlyon is separate from the Etudes en France procedure, which is only the pre-consular procedure for your visa application.
  • You will have to create your account on Etudes en France and chose the option “I am accepted.”
  • You will then have to provide your admission letter from emlyon.
  • You will need to provide:
    • Your passport
    • Enrollment letter/admission letter from emlyon
      Once the pre-consular procedure through Etudes en France is complete and validated, you will be able to start your visa application.

Visa application process

For most of emlyon’s programs, you will need to apply for a long stay study Visa (of more than 90 days).
Depending on your country of application, the process differs. You can check here how you will have to apply.
Please note that you need to start the process at least 3 months before your date of arrival in France.

Enrollment to IAEL

Make sure you have registered on IAEL, the online administrative registration platform. You will receive an email by the first half of July 2020 in which you'll find the link to access IAEL, as well as your login info and password.
Please note that you must complete your online registration, before your arrival on the campus.

Integration process

During the integration process, you have to:

  • verify all the information
  • verify and fill in all sections
  • pay a social contribution named CVEC* (campus and student life contribution) and give us a certificate of payment (you can pay through CVEC, from June 1, 2020)
    *La Cotisation Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) is a contribution supporting admission and social, health, cultural, sport support. It will help also to consolidate health prevention and education activities, provided for the students (regarding the art. L.841-5 of the National Code). This is now mandatory for every student in France who register in higher education.
  • indicate the name of your Third Party Liability A third party liability insurance is mandatory to register in Further and Higher Education in France. It takes over from your secondary school insurance. A third party liability refers to the type of insurance that protects the insured from legal liability claims presented by third parties. Payment is not made to the insured, but rather to someone suffering a loss who is not a party included in the insurance contract. It protects customers (insured) when they cause harm to someone else or cause damages to properties and they are legally held responsible.
  • indicate the means of payment of your tuition fees In order to find more information and details about means of payment and what is expected from you, you can use the “Help” button.

You will find further information in the Student Affairs Presentation here. We strongly advise you to consult this document if you come across any difficulties when filling out the form. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

This is a mandatory administrative step you’ll need to take prior to your arrival on campus.

Health insurance

According to the orientation and student success law n°2018-166 adopted on March 8 2018, a new reform has been implemented stating that all procedures regarding student social security (health insurance) have been simplified and students don’t have to contribute to the Sécurité Sociale anymore.

  • If you are a French student, you will find every information needed concerning social security here.
  • If you are an international student & exchange student from EU / EEE or Switzerland: you have to give your EHIC + subscription to the CPAM in France to open a file and be reimbursed through the dedicated website
  • If you are an international student & exchange student not coming from EU / EEE or Switzerland: you have to subscribe to the CPAM from your arrival in France through the dedicated website If you stay less than 3 months in France, you have to give a personal insurance certificate.

Particular cases for students from:

  • Québec: you have to provide the form SE 401 Q106
  • Andorra: you have to provide the attestation SE 130-04
  • Monaco: you have to provide the agreement of coverage delivered by Monaco

All emlyon business school students benefit from an international insurance. Obviously relevant information about that insurance is given only when your administrative file is complete and approved by the Student Affairs but exceptionally we allow you to benefit from this service prior to the validation of your administrative registration.

emlyon business school has implemented an international insurance for all of its students.

The international mobility insurance applies for every stay out of your country, be it for academic or touristic purposes. You can benefit from a wide range of guarantees valid worldwide and during the whole academic year. If you are an international student, then you are covered during your stay in France.
To get a certificate from GROUPAMA for your visa application, you will need to send an email to with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Date and place of birth
  • Name of your program
  • Date and place of departure, and the planned date of arrival in France

Do not forget to mention that you are a student at emlyon business school, as this will allow you to exempt you from buying another international insurance (that might be more expensive).

Who is your primary contact?

  • ISIC (International Student Identity Card): to get more information on the advantages and discounts you can benefit from with this card.
  • Orientation Days: before starting classes, you will benefit from orientation days with your classmates.

Important to remember
You will receive a pre-enrollment certificate in the next few days. All European and international enrolled students will receive a debit note and international students will only have access to the International Student Office once enrolled. You will also have access to a domiciliation certificate.
