Access with a validation of prior experience

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This program leads to the certification "Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Management Avancé des Affaires Internationales” (Diploma of Higher Studies in Advanced Management of International Affairs), registered at RNCP level 7, code RNCP 38348, diploma conferring the grade Master, visa bac +5 by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
This certification is accessible through the V.A.E. (validation of prior experience).

For who?

The law on VAE (validation of prior experience) introduced by law in 2002 enables any candidate to apply for certification with regard to their experience (employee, self-employed, or volunteer).
Your experiences have enabled you to develop skills in line with the certification reference system, then see the RNCP sheet here.

How ?

A first contact with a program advisor or a VAE expert from emlyon business school will allow you to assess the feasibility of this VAE project and will provide you with the answers to the questions you have about the whole process.

Admissibility phase

  • You submit a first application form so that a more in-depth analysis of your background and its link with the certification can be conducted. This consists of the following documents: detailed CV, letter of motivation with explanation of the VAE project, self-assessment on the reference system and an interview with our VAE advisor.
  • An admissibility committee analyzes your documents and ensures that there are no significant discrepancies between your experiences and the targeted competencies framework
  • You are informed of the decision on a non-admissibility or an admissibility at the latest within one month following the submission of your application

Admissibility in no way prejudges the final decision of the jury, which will be based on your ability to demonstrate that the skills have actually been acquired and to provide proof of this.

Writing your VAE report

Following the admissibility agreement and after contractualization, you enter the heart of the VAE process, and prepare the writing of what is called “livret 2,” the deliverable in which you produce the story of your experiences by providing proof of mastery of expected skills.
This phase takes place over a period of 12 to 18 months maximum.
This phase is accompanied by a coach who guides you in identifying the situations to be chosen, in the verbalization of the skills mobilized, in the structuring of your outcome and the preparation of the jury. He accompanies you in this reflective process at the heart of the VAE approach.
Collective workshops, aimed at sharing experience and methodological contributions, are accessible throughout the process.
You also have access to pedagogical and documentary resources available online at the library.

6 hours are dedicated to individual coaching sessions (online or face-to-face), with an equivalent amount of time for the coach to give you feedback on your intermediate writings. A one-and-a-half-hour group workshop is offered remotely during the course.

Presentation before the VAE assessment panel

The last step of the VAE is based on an oral presentation before an assessment panel made up of professionals and professors. The members of your jury have, prior to the audition, worked on the submitted deliverable and prepared the points to be clarified or deepened orally

Jury decisions

This assessment panel can make three types of decision:

  • Granting of certification in its entirety
  • Partial grant, the jury then makes recommendations to help you develop the missing skills
  • Refusal

Due to a very low rate of VAE applications for this professional certification, it is not yet possible for us to communicate on success and drop-out rates.

To obtain additional information as well as the fees for this course, a simple email to; you will be contacted within 48 hours by an emlyon business school advisor.