Courses & content
Course outline
You will follow a minimum of 2 courses up to 6 per semester from a portfolio of over 180 electives per year.
50 % of the courses are taught in English.
Course timing
On average, a course is usually 24 face-to-face contact hours, i.e. 8 sessions (5 ECTS credits).
One session lasts 3 hours (180 minutes): 1h30 class, 15 minutes break and another 1h30 class. It can occur once or twice a week, depending on the course.
One contact hour corresponds to 2 or 3 hours of personal preparation (readings, case studies, etc…) Online course registration will take place on our virtual campus Brightspace on a first come first served basis, subject to availability.
Course registration is scheduled at the same time as emlyon business school's 2nd year of MSc student course registration. In any case emlyon business school cannot guarantee the exchange students will get all the courses listed as 1st choice on the learning agreement. For that reason we strongly advise exchange students to select a few replacement courses.
You are subject to the same obligations as emlyon business school MSc in Management students. It is therefore imperative that you take the final exams, even if some of the classes are not credited by your home institution. If these rules are not respected we reserve the right to refer the matter to the home institution.
Exams are to be taken at the scheduled date and time and under the form requested by the teacher. There will be no re-sit exam in case of failure.

Pedagogical Rules & Regulations
Exchange student must comply with the starting date of each trimester, including the orientation days. He/she must ask the agreement of emlyon business school for any late arrival.
Attendance at classes is compulsory. The student can be excluded from the class if he/she misses more than 1 or 2 classes, depending on the classes.
If the student plans to miss one week, he/she has to ask emlyon business school beforehand for its agreement (which is not guaranteed).
The student must attend the workgroups in which he is enrolled.
Plagiarism or cheating will be sanctioned by the grade 0.
Non–validated courses will appear on the transcript of records and won’t be removed.
ECTS Guide
This is an information package for auditors where you can find all the details of the grading system, ECTS system and the number of ECTS credits allocated in the MSc in Management.
Frequently Asked Questions
Download the following document and get an answer to all your questions about the program, the life in Lyon, and so on...